Songs in code

Vamos cantar à la geek:

public static song SomewhereOverTheRainbow() {

    if (somewhere > rainbow) { //Somewhere over the rainbow
        skies = blue;      //Skies are blue
        dreams = true;     //And the dreams you dare to dream become true

private static song WonderfulWorld() {

    String howDoYouDo = "how do you do?";

    sky.rainbow.setColors(pretty); //The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky

    people.faceColor = sky.rainbow.colors(); //Are also on the faces of people going by

    if (people.collide(otherPeople) == true) { //I see friends

         people.shakeHandsWith(otherPeople);//shaking hands saying

         people.ask(howDoYouDo, otherPeople);//how do you do

         howDoYouDo = "I love you."; //They're really saying I love you.


2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

OMG!! Isto é scary, my friend! xD *

Louisload disse...

não é nada scary, é lovely <'3